
Jungell Toujet Mysteria Sex At

A hypermedia spectacle of polymorphously perverse textuality built from a poetic collaboration between Miriam Atkin and Ric Royer, accompanied by live tape deck manipulations. Presented in 2022 at Greenkill Gallery in Kingston, NY.

Text / narration: Miriam Atkin & Ric Royer
Video: Admiral Grey
Music: G Lucas Crane


the concept hurts

A collaborative multimedia performance utilizing live music, live video and speech to demonstrate the disjunctive relationship between cinematic fantasy and the pleasure of embodiedness. ASMR intensifies this division and my performance ironizes it. The piece was first performed in 2014 at Spectrum in Manhattan, and was later shown at ARAS (Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism) and CUNY Graduate Center.

Text / narration: Miriam Atkin
Video: Kurt Ralske
Music: Daniel Carter, Kurt Ralske, Jonathan Wood Vincent


Multimedia performance collaboration based on the screenplay from Ingmar Bergman’s Through a Glass Darkly. Presented in July 2015 at Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn.

Text: Miriam Atkin
Composer: Jonathan Wood Vincent
Performed by Miriam Atkin, Anna Ekros and Jonathan Wood Vincent

rediscovering german futurism: 1920-1929

The Futurist movement, established by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in 1909, advocated a passion for technology and for fascism. Its direct influence was slight, but its twin obsessions defined the cultural life of pre-WWII Europe.

“Rediscovering German Futurism 1920-1929″, a performance and book project by Kurt Ralske and Miriam Atkin, boldly rewrites history. By presenting new interpretations of the cultural flows of the past, it inquires into our present-day perspectives on technology and power. This work was performed in various venues around the Northeast during 2013 and 2014.

Concept / video / sound: Kurt Ralske
Text: Miriam Atkin